My name is Tracie Trinidad, and I am the program manager of the YESS Institute program at Shaw Heights Middle School.
This week was an excellent week for me because I was able to get in my classroom, as well as meet the amazing students (and some staff) at Shaw Heights. On Tuesday, I had A, B,and C lunch (there are three lunch periods). At lunch I introduced myself and talked a little bit about the program. The students seem very excited about the program.
Unfortunately on Wednesday I was unable to visit Shaw, although I was at Hidden Lake assisting Tony Steno with data (along with the other YESS program managers.
On Thursday I tabled in the hallway and handed out info with an application. I am in the process of recruiting mentors. I have asked teachers to give recommendations and I will also read through applications and interview students I believe would be the best mentors at Shaw.
Questions the students can answer in their application include:
- Describe a time when your friends made a bad choice, but you decided to make a different choice (positive choice). How did this affect your friendship
- Why do you think you would make an excellent mentor?
- Scenario 1: Amy, a 6th grade student is feeling left out at school and no longer wants to come to schoolWhat advice would you give to Amy?
- Scenario 2: A friend is falling behind in class, and is getting low grades. What are ways you could help your friend from falling behind?
I have asked the students to make sure their application is in before September 12th. I am giving the students a week to answer the questions, as well as visit room 134 ( my class) if they have any questions or concerns. Although, some students are excited about becoming mentors that the applications have already started to come in!
Here are some pictures of the classroom as well as a picture of the recruitment that happened on Thursday.
Friday at Shaw Heights, I will continue to do lunch visits and collecting applications. In the morning Holly, Ranum Middle school's YESS program manager and Sara, Scott Carpenter Middle School's YESS program manager will be visiting Shaw!