This week students finished up CMAS and students participated in an activity to address discrimination. Students experienced Jane Elliot's lesson called "Blue eye, brown eye experiment". We did this activity by separating the mentees from the mentors. The mentors were allowed time to relax, play games, have a snack, and talk to one another The mentees were to write one paragraph on what they learned this year, one paragraph on leadership, one paragraph on how they can improve on making choices. Every time a student talked I added a paragraph. The students were expected to have this assignment turned in by the end of class. One student pointed out that I was discriminating against the mentees, and another student told me how it wasn't fair and how students who don't make good choices should be given this assignment.
The next day students watched Jane Elliot's original lesson with her third grade class. Student's felt that because this lesson is so important other students in the school should experience this lesson as well.
Today students will be discussing miscro agressions, cultural appropriation Vs. Cultural appreciation vs Cultural exchange. Students really like this unit because they feel this is where their leadership is needed in their community.
Overall, this was a great week!
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