Monday, December 18, 2017

Web of Emotions

Last week we continued our discussion on emotions by completing an art project called, "Web of Emotions." Each scholar was allowed to decide whether they wanted to work with their mentor/mentee or whether they preferred to work on their own, as exploring one's connection to a certain emotion can be deeply personal. Before we began the projects, we reviewed the six core emotions and did a circle map to brainstorm any and all possible connections (adjectives, synonyms, actions/behaviors, triggers, places, things, and even colors) one might have to the emotion anger, for example.
Webs for "fear" and "sadness."
Webs for "anger" and "joy." 
Many chose to work on their own for this project so that they could explore their own personal connection to a specific emotion. Last week, I had asked each scholar to identify one of the six core emotions that they find to be the most challenging to deal with. I was so proud to see that many decided to do their project on their most challenging (or most difficult to control) emotion. 

Robert and his mentee Javoni do "Today I Choose..." together.
Celest and her mentee, Chloe, enjoy some fresh air on Friday afternoon.
We took two days to build our webs, and then had a wonderful gallery walk and share out. It is was so interesting to see the different ways each experiences anger, or sadness, or even fear. I could see a lot of self-awareness as we completed this exercise, and I really think our scholars benefited from a deeper understanding of they relate to certain emotions. 

Donovan and Austin play Monopoly during some Fun Friday free time.
Next week we will be doing some reflection work with the mentors as we prepare for break. We also have a pretty fun week planned with a school dance and an awards ceremony. Stay tuned!

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